International & Best-Selling Author, Peggy Lee Hanson, is a leading authority on writing and getting published. She founded Personal Transition Guidance, LLC after her corporate position was eliminated in 2009. With writing as her first love, she quickly added books to her resume—in fact, seventeen in less than four years.
Her strengths as a connector, life-learner, and intellectual have shown compassionately through grace and positivity as Peggy Lee relates to everyone she comes in contact with. They will tell you she immediately exudes warmth and approachability; she is articulate and kind; she is an old soul who knows you to your core; she understands the path you’re on, and walks beside you, so that you are not alone. Peggy Lee is a best-selling author, award-winning speaker, and world-renown mentor. She has studied under and learned from the cream of the crop trainers: Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Marcia Weider, Patricia Fripp, Caterina Rando, Arthur Joseph, John C. Maxwell, and many more. She is a member of Toastmasters International and is the Central Division Governor for District 35. Peggy Lee is the leader of writing courses and retreats. Her specialty is helping first-time authors organize thoughts and papers strewn about into a body of art that makes sense. Peggy Lee has been certified as an instructional designer and as a business ghostwriter. She is also certified as a Dream Coach®, a distinction supported by the International Coach Federation. Whether you have the words pent up inside you screaming to be let out on paper or in a Word file, or you yourself are screaming to be let out to simply be you, Peggy Lee can help you get those screamie-meamies out of your head and quiet the mind. She can do this because of her expertise as an instructional designer, working with different subject matter experts, pulling information out of their brains and committing that to paper. Also feel free to visit her other website, My Dream Architect,where her first blog resides along with descriptions of her 90-day blueprint to your dream achieved! Ready to Publish? (complete questionnaire) How else can she help you? (email) |